Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunrise at Angkor Wat

I've always been a sucker for a sunrise, but would be silly of anyone to come all the way to Cambodia and miss this sight.

Recommendations on logistics:

1. Get the pass the day before. You can buy a one-day pas for $20 or a three-day pass for $40. We did the three day which allowed us to do temple touring and sunrise on separate days. 

2. No need for a tour if this is your second day visiting the temples. We did the tour the day before we did sunrise so we asked where to find the best spot. 

3. The spot we were recommended is outside the main gates before you cross the moat. You're not tight up on the iconic five towers, but the moat makes a nice reflecting pool for the picture. When you're looking across the causeway facing the temple, turn right and walk until you're satisfied with your view of the temples. 

4. Leave early if you want to go inside the gates. We left our hotel at 5a because we wanted a good spot. Since we were outside the gates we could have easily left at 530 and still had a great seat, but from 5 on there were literally hundreds of people pouring inside the gates. No gracias. 

5. Tell your tuk tuk driver to wait and pay him afterward. Sweet Kevin made the mistake (on a different outing) of paying the driver after he dropped us off for a show and he didn't come back for the pick up. If you don't know how long you'll be, the driver will either wait or you can just send him on and grab another later. You'll never be for want of a tuk tuk in Siem Reap. 

Now for pictures. It was a cloudy morning so my photos aren't Nat Geo worthy, but it was a lovely experience all the same. 


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